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2. Fox-Strangways C. Cameron A. G. Barrow G. 1886. The geology of the country around Northallerton and Thirsk. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of England and Wales, New Series Sheets 42 and 52.
3. Gaunt G. D. Ivimey-Cook H. C. Penn I. E. Cox B. M. 1980. Mesozoic rocks proved by IGS boreholes in the Humber and Acklam areas. Institute of Geological Sciences Report 79/13.
4. Gaunt G. D. Fletcher T. P. Wood C. J. in press. Geology of the country around Kingston upon Hull and Brigg. British Geological Survey Memoir, Sheets 80 and 89.
5. Institute of Geological Sciences 1973. Annual Report for 1972.