1. The Coniacian - Maastrichtian Stages of the United Kingdom, with particular reference to southern England
2. The use of resistivity and gamma logging in lithostratigraphical studies of the Chalk in Lincolnshire and South Humberside
3. Bristow, C.R. Geology of the country around Bury St Edmunds. Memoir, Sheet 189 (England & Wales) 1990. British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottingham.
4. Bristow, C.R. , Barton, C.M., Freshney, E.C., Wood, C.J., Evans, D.J., Cox, B.M., Ivimey-Cook, H., Taylor, R.T., Geology of the country around Shaftesbury. Memoir, Sheet 313 (England & Wales) 1995. British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottingham.
5. Lithostratigraphy for mapping the Chalk of southern England