1. Binks, P. J., Forbes, B. G. & Mirams, R. C. 1968. Orroroo Sheet SI 54–1. 1:250.000 Series, Geol. Surv. S.Aust., Dep. Mines, Adelaide.
2. Burns, K. L. 1963. Megabreccias and chaos structure in the Cambrian System of Northern Tasmania. Symposium on Syntaphral Tectonics and Diagenesis. Univ. Tasmania, F1–14.
3. Coats, R. P. 1962. Permian deposits: Possible occurrence near Blinman. Quart. geol. notes No 1, Dep. Mines, Adelaide.
4. Coats R. P. (1964) The geology and mineralization of the Blinman Dome Diapir. Invest. Rep. No26Dep. Mines, Adelaide, 52.
5. Coats, R. P. 1973. Copley Sheet SH 54–9. Explan. Notes 1:250.000, Series, Geol. Surv. S.Aust., Dep. Mines, Adelaide, 38 pp.