1. Aisenverg D. E. 1975. Field excursion guidebook for the Donetz Basin . 8th Int. Cong. Carb. Strat. Geol.(Moscow 1975). 360 pp.
2. Aitkenhead N. In press. The Institute of Geological Sciences borehole at Duffield, Derbyshire. Bull. geol. Surv. Gt Br.
3. Aitkenhead N. Francis E. A. 1975. Geol. Surv. Gt Br. 1 25000 map SK. 06.
4. Tectonics of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 6–8° South latitude
5. Belskaya T. N. 1975. Field excursion guidebook for the Carboniferous sequences of the Moscow Basin. . 8th. Int. Cong. Carb, Strat. Geol.(Moscow 1975). 176 pp.