The Carrack Field, Blocks 49/14b, 49/15a and 49/15b, UK North Sea


Rieu R.1,Porter R. J.1ORCID


1. Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij BV, Schepersmaat 2, 9505 TA, Assen, The Netherlands


AbstractThe Carrack Field, located in the Southern North Sea Blocks 49/14b and 49/15a, has of the order or 15 bcm (530 bcf) gas initially in place and is operated by Shell UK Ltd. The field consists of a pop-up structure in the south of the field and extends to the north with a gently-dipping monoclinal structure. The reservoir comprises sandstones of the Permian Silverpit and Leman Sandstone formations, which contain c. 85% of the in-place resources. The quality of the reservoir decreases rapidly to the north. Gas is also produced from Carboniferous sandstones of late Duckmantian (Westphalian B)–Bolsovian (Westphalian C) age.Initially, the field was in pressure communication both laterally and vertically with a single gas–water contact. During production time, however, the three main fault blocks behaved independently, and decimetre-thick shale intervals acted as vertical baffles between the sandstone units.The Carrack Field has been in production since 2003 and is developed by a single platform with seven mainly deviated wells. The current production rate is c. 0.7 MMm3/day (25 MMscfgd). Until the end of field life in the 2030s, the field is expected to produce gas of the order of a few bcm. The main remaining opportunity is the undeveloped Carrack West compartment.


Geological Society of London



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