Integrated high-resolution PSV, RPI and 14C study of IODP-347 Site M0060 (Anholt Loch, Baltic Sea) for the last c. 14 ka


Herrero-Bervera Emilio1ORCID,Snowball Ian2


1. Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and PlanetologySOEST, Magnetic Materials, Paleomagnetic and Petrofrabrics Laboratory, 1680 East-West Rd, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA

2. Uppsala University, Head of the Department of Earth Sciences, Natural Resources and Sustainable Development, Uppsala University Villavägen 16 BSE-752 36 Uppsala, Sweden


AbstractWe have studied the rock and palaeomagnetic properties and 14C dating of a c. 205 m core from Site M0060 (Anholt Loch, BSB1 at Kattegat), recovering clays, (silty) sands and sandy clays. We took 297 8 cc samples at c. 50 cm intervals down-core. χ was measured along with AF demagnetization of the NRM up to 80 mT. ChRM was isolated between 0 and 25 mT. A weak VRM was removed at 5 mT. The intensity shows a positive relationship with χ. At Site M0060 the upper lithologic units (i.e. 0–100 mcd) show inclinations that vary within 10° on either side of the GAD prediction (i.e. +72°). Curie points indicate minerals with temperatures of 360–400, 520, 575 and 610°C. We obtained calibrated 14C determinations for 15 levels, with the oldest age from 78.87 mbsf to c. 17 940 cal BP. The J, inclination, χ, ARM, SIRM, SIRM/χ and ARM/χ palaeomagnetic (i.e. inclination) wave forms results from the top c. 100 mcd correlate well to the deglacial inclination wave forms master curve for Fennoscandia. The best correlation to this curve shows four oscillations of the inclination record of Site M0060 from 11 to 14 ka BP. Shallow negative inclinations are characteristic of the deeper coarse-grained sediments deposited during the rapid wasting of the Fennoscandian ice-sheet.


Geological Society of London


Geology,Ocean Engineering,Water Science and Technology

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1. Geomagnetic field variations in the past: an introduction;Geological Society, London, Special Publications;2020







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