1. Bath, A. H., Edmunds, W. M. & Andrews, J. N. 1978. Palaeoclimatic trends deduced from the hydrochemistry of a Triassic sandstone aquifer. U.K. I.A.E.A. International Symposium on Isotope Hydrology. 545–568.
2. Jackson, D. 1981. Hydrochemical aspects of the Triassic Sandstone Aquifers of the West Midlands. Thesis, Ph.D. (unpubl.). University of Birmingham, 281 pp.
3. Land, D. H. 1966. Hydrogeology of the Triassic Sandstones in the Birmingham-Lichfield District. Water Supply Paper of the Geol. Surv. of G. B. Hydrogeological Report 2, 30 pp.
4. Ramingwong, T. 1974. Hydrogeology of the Keuper Sandstone in the Droitwich Syncline Area, Worcester. Thesis, Ph.D. (unpubl.), University of Birmingham, 251 pp.
5. University of Birmingham 1978. Final Report to the Anglian Water Authority. South Humberbank Salinity Research Project, 99 pp.