Geological disposal of radioactive waste in deep clay formations: celebrating 40 years of RD&D in the Belgian URL HADES


Van Geet Maarten1ORCID,Bruggeman Christophe2,De Craen Mieke3


1. ONDRAF/NIRAS, Kunstlaan 14, B-1210 Brussels, Belgium

2. SCK CEN, Belgian Nuclear Research Centre, Institute for Environment, Health and Safety, Boeretang 200, B-2400 Mol, Belgium

3. European Underground Research Infrastructure for Disposal of Nuclear Waste in Clay Environment (EURIDICE), Boeretang 200, B-2400 Mol, Belgium


Abstract The option of disposing of radioactive waste deep underground has been studied in Belgium by SCK CEN since the 1970s. This led in 1980 to the construction of the HADES underground research laboratory (URL) in a clay formation, the Boom Clay, at a depth of 225 m under the premises of SCK CEN in Mol. Over the last four decades, many in situ experiments have been conducted in the HADES URL. These have made a significant contribution to ONDRAF/NIRAS’ research, development and demonstration (RD&D) efforts demonstrating that disposal in Boom Clay can offer a safe solution for the long-term management of high-level and/or long-lived radioactive waste. Moreover, the construction of the HADES URL itself is a demonstration that shafts and galleries can be constructed in clay at that depth. However, the HADES URL did not only contribute to the Belgian programme. Many of the in situ experiments have been part of international research and the laboratory has provided valuable input to the research programmes of other URLs, such as the Meuse/Haute-Marne URL in France and the Mont Terri rock laboratory in Switzerland. This paper gives a brief overview of the main contributions of the HADES URL to both national and international research into geological disposal.


Geological Society of London


Geology,Ocean Engineering,Water Science and Technology

Reference27 articles.

1. CP1 and Tribicarb-3D: unique long-term and large-scale in situ migration tests in Boom Clay at the HADES Underground Research Laboratory

2. Contribution of HADES URL to the development of the Cigéo project, the French industrial centre for geological disposal of high-level and long-lived intermediate-level radioactive waste in a deep clay formation

3. Belgium 2022. Koninklijk besluit van 28 oktober 2022 tot vaststelling van het eerste deel van de Nationale Beleidsmaatregel met betrekking tot het langetermijnbeheer van hoogradioactief en/of langlevend afval en tot verduidelijking van het stapsgewijze proces voor de vaststelling van de andere delen van deze Nationale Beleidsmaatregel. Belgisch Staatsblad van 22 november 2022.

4. Forty-five years of joint research programmes on geological disposal of radioactive waste and the pioneering role of the HADES Underground Research Laboratory;Ben Hadj Hassine S.;Geological Society, London, Special Publications,2023

5. Underground research laboratories, an important support to the Belgian Regulatory Body's Research and Development programme and the management of uncertainties







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