1. Division of Mining Geology, Royal School of Mines
London, England
2. Geologisk Institutt, Norges Tekniske Høgskole
Trondheim, Norway
3. Grong Gruber A/S
Joma, Norway
SynopsisThe Skorovas orebody is one of the chief stratiform basemetal deposits within the allochthonous greenstone belt of the Central Norwegian Caledonides. It is contained in the volcanic level of a complex eruptive association of Lower to Middle Ordovician age defined as the Gjersvik Nappe. The rocks of this nappe are contained as a depressed segment of the larger Köli Nappe and defined to the north and south, respectively, by the Börgefjell and Grong-Olden basement culminations. The principal components of this nappe are a plutonic infrastructure of composite gabbroic intrusions within which has been emplaced a series of dioritic to granodioritic (trondhjemitic) bodies that form the roots of a consanguineous submarine polygenic volcanic sequence. The eruptive rocks are overlain unconformably by a sequence of polymict conglomerates and calcareous flysch sediments, the composition of which suggests immediate derivation by erosion from the underlying igneous complex.Pre-tectonic segregations, veins and vesicle fillings of epidote, albite, chlorite, carbonate and quartz related to primary volcanic flow structures in the lava pile provide evidence of pervasive in-situ sea-floor metamorphism, and this interpretation is verified by the abundance of nearly monomineralic epidote clasts in the derived conglomerates.The relationship of the eruptive and sedimentary suites is interpreted in terms of the evolution of an ensimatic island arc, of Lower to Middle Ordovician age, which underwent uplift and erosion prior to emplacement on the Fennoscandian basement during the climactic stages of collision tectonism of the Caledonian Orogeny in Silurian times.The entire igneous and sedimentary assemblage has been affected by the tectonic stages of allochthonous emplacement, but the gross differences in competence between the component lithologies has resulted in a particularly heterogeneous style of deformation in which folding, componental sliding, fracturing and penetrative metamorphic refabrication have been governed largely by the geometry of the most competent lithologies, notably gabbro, diorite and granodiorite (trondhjemite) intrusives and, within the extrusive sequence, compact dacitic flows and their spilitized aphanitic equivalents (keratophyres). The heterogeneous pattern of deformation is resolved in terms of two main stages of folding complicated by componental sliding movements.Mineralization occurs at two levels in the eruptive sequence. The layered gabbros and lensoid metagabbros of the plutonic infrastructure contain small cumulus bodies of nickel-, copper- and platinum-bearing pyrrhotite-pyrite-magnetite ore of magmatic derivation. Mineralization of this type is at present only known in sub-economic quantities.The Skorovas orebody, in common with other widely dispersed volcanic exhalites in the Gjersvik Nappe, occurs within the volcanic sequence at a level marked by episodes of explosive dacitic volcanism and associated fumarolic activity. The Skorovas orebody consists of approximately 10 000 000 tons of massive and disseminated predominantly pyritic ore with an approximate average grade of 1.3% Zn and 1.0% Cu, together with trace amounts of Pb, As and Ag. The complex lensoid geometry of the orebody is resolved in terms of the disjunction of a single stratiform unit by tight isoclinal folding and componental movements, probably involving both translation and rotation.Enrichment of sphalerite, chalcopyrite and, locally, galena within the magnetite-pyrite ores at the stratigraphic top and margins of the ore lenses is interpreted as a primary feature. The banded magnetite-pyrite ores are commonly associated with magnetitic cherts or jaspers and are thus transitional in aspect to the thin, iron- and silica-rich, basemetal-depleted, exhalative sedimentary horizons that occur extensively within the extrusive sequence of the Gjersvik Nappe. These are interpreted as the products of settling of colloidal iron and silica hydrosols following explosive dispersal into an oxidizing submarine environment. They are valuable time-stratigraphic markers and indicators of way-up in complicated structures and are a potentially valuable tool in exploration for massive sulphide bodies formed in limited reducing environments.
Geological Society of London
Geology,Ocean Engineering,Water Science and Technology
Reference83 articles.
1. Experimental deformation of polycrystalline pyrite; effects of temperature, confining pressure, strain rate, and porosity
2. Volcanism at destructive plate margins;Baker;J. Earth Sci.,1972
3. Age of Bogo Shale and western Ireland graptolite faunas and their bearing on dating early Ordovician deformation and metamorphism in Norway and Britain;Berry;Norsk geol. Tidsskr.,1968
4. Rb, Sr, Y, Zr and Nb in some ocean floor basaltic rocks
5. Carmichael I. S. E. Turner F. J. Verhoogen J. (1974) Igneous petrology (McGraw-Hill, New York). 739.
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9 articles.