1. Bell C. F. Lott K. A. K. (1966) Modern approach to Inorganic Chemistry (Butterworths, London).
2. Charlesworth J. K. (1953) The Geology of Ireland. An introduction (Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh).
3. Cole G. A. J. Wilkinson S. B. McHenry A. Kilroe J. R. Seymour H. J. Moss C. E. (1912) Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Ireland (Deptartment of Agriculture Technical Instruction for Ireland).
4. Davies G. L. Stephens N. (1978) The Geomorphology of the British Isles: Ireland (Methuen, London).
5. Ebdon D. (1981) Statistics in Geography. A practical approach (Basil Blackwell, Oxford), pp 75–80.