1. Aitchison J.C. (1988a) First International Conference on Radiolaria (EURORAD V), abstracts Middle-Late Devonian Radiolaria from the Yarrimie Formation, Tamworth Group, northeastern New South Wales, Australia, eds Schmidt-Effing R. Braun A. (Geologica et Paleontologica, Marburg, Germany), p 4.
2. Late Paleozoic radiolarian ages from the Gwydir terrane, New England orogen, eastern Australia
3. Significance of Devonian-Carboniferous radiolarians from accretionary terranes of the New England orogen, eastern Australia
4. Preliminary tectonostratigraphic terrane map of the southern part of the New England Orogen, Eastern Australia;Aitchison,1990
5. Aitchison J.C. Flood P.G. (1991) in The Phanerozoic Geology of the World. I. Palaeozoic. A, New England Orogen, eds Moullade M. Nairn A.E.M. (Elsevier, Amsterdam), pp 301–308.