1. Viséan Conodonts from North Wales and Ireland
2. Austin R. L. (1968) Scientific Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society Conodont faunas from the Waulsortian Reef Limestone at Askeaton and from the Cork Red Marble at Midleton, 3, pp 107–114.
3. Austin R. L. (1974) International Symposium on Belgian Micropalaeontological Limits, Namur The biostratigraphic distribution of conodonts in Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland, 3, pp 1–17.
4. Evidence from Great Britain and Ireland concerning West European Dinantian conodont paleoecology;Austin,1976
5. Austin R. L. Aldridge R. J. (1969) Scientific Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society Lower Carboniferous (C Zone) conodonts from County Meath, Ireland, 3, pp 231–236.