1. Black J. (1791) Observations from Dr. Black’s Lectures in Chemistry (Chilbolton, Hampshire) Manuscript. Nigel Phillips Catalogue 39.
2. Critchley M. (1955) in James Parkinson (1755–1824), ed Critchley M. (Macmillan, London).
3. Gardner-Thorpe C. (1987) James Parkinson (1755–1824) (Wheaton, Exeter) Second Edition 1988.
4. von Goethe J. W. (1816–7) in Italian Journey, trans Auden W. H. Mayer E. Penguin Classics, Harmondsworth, 1962.
5. Lemery N. (1677) in A Course of Chymistry. Containing the Easiest Manner of performing those Operations that are in Use in Physick. Illustrated with many Curious Remarks and Useful Discourses upon each Operation, trans Harris W. Doctor of Physick. London: Printed for W. Kettilby. Nigel Phillips Catalogue 39, Chilbolton, Hampshire, 28.