1. Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
Histochemistry of tumor sections is a widely employed technique utilized to examine cell death in preclinical xenograft animal models of cancer. However, this is under the assumption that tumors are homogeneous, leading to practices such as automatic cell counting across the entire section. We have noted that in our experiments the core of the tumor is largely or partially necrotic, and lacks evidence of vascularization (in contrast to the outer areas of the tumor). We note that this can bias and confound immunohistochemical analyses that do not take care to sample areas of interest in a way to take this into account. Design-based stereology with image analysis techniques is an alternative process that could be used to measure the volume of the necrotic region compared to the volume of the whole tumor.