Heavy Metal Enhancement Technique for Diaminobenzidine in Immunohistochemistry Enables Ultrastructural Observation by Low-vacuum Scanning Electron Microscopy


Arai Yutaka1,Takeuchi Kazuhiro2,Hatanaka Saeko2,Ishikawa Arimi2,Inoue Taichi3,Takakuma Shoichiro2,Kajimoto Yusuke2,Toda Etsuko2ORCID,kunugi Shinobu2,Terasaki Mika2ORCID,Shimizu Akira2


1. Third Grade Student, Nippon Medical School, Tokyo, Japan

2. Department of Analytic Human Pathology, Nippon Medical School, Tokyo, Japan

3. Fourth Grade Student, Nippon Medical School, Tokyo, Japan


Low-vacuum scanning electron microscopy (LV-SEM) is a powerful tool that allows to observe light microscopic specimens with periodic acid-silver methenamine (PAM) staining at a higher magnification, simply by removing the coverslip. However, it is not suitable for observation of immunohistochemistry (IHC) using 3,3′-diaminobenzidine (DAB) due to insufficient backscattered electron image. Traditional heavy metal enhancement techniques for DAB in IHC, (1) osmium tetroxide and iron, (2) cobalt, (3) methenamine silver (Ag), (4) gold chloride (Gold), and (5) both Ag and Gold (Ag + Gold), were examined by LV-SEM. Tissue specimens from Thy1.1 glomerulonephritis rat kidney stained with α-smooth muscle actin and visualized with DAB were enhanced by each of these enhancement methods. We found, in light microscopic and LV-SEM, that the enhancement with Ag, Gold, or Ag + Gold had better intensity and contrast than others. At a higher magnification, Ag + Gold enhancement showed high intensity and low background, although only Ag or Gold enhancement had nonspecific background. Even after observation by LV-SEM, the quality of specimens was maintained after remounting the coverslip. It was also confirmed that Ag + Gold enhancement could be useful for IHC using clinical human renal biopsy. These findings indicate that Ag + Gold provided an adequate enhancement in IHC for both LM and LV SEM observation.


SAGE Publications










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