The First Postlesion Minutes: An In Vivo Study of Extravasation and Perivascular Astrocytes Following Cerebral Lesions in Various Experimental Mouse Models


Tóth László123,Szöllősi Dávid123,Kis-Petik Katalin123,Adorján István123,Erdélyi Ferenc123,Kálmán Mihály123


1. Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology (LT, DS, IA, MK)

2. Department of Biophysics and Radiation Biology, MTA-SE Molecular Biology Research Group (DS, KK-P)

3. Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary, and Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary (FE)


The immediate alterations following lesions cannot be investigated by using fixed tissues. Here, we employed two-photon microscopy to study the alterations to the permeability of blood-brain barrier and to glio-vascular connections in vivo during the first minutes following cortical lesions in mice. Four models were used: (1) cryogenic lesion, (2) photodisruption using laser pulses, (3) photothrombosis, and (4) bilateral carotid ligation. Sulforhodamine101 was used for supravital labeling of astrocytes and dextran-bound fluorescein isothiocyanate for the assessment of extravasation. Transgenic mice, in which the endothelium and astrocytes expressed a yellow fluorescent protein, were also used. Astrocytic labeling in vivo was verified with postmortem immunostaining against glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). Summary of results: (1) the glio-vascular connections were stable in the intact brain with no sign of spontaneous dynamic attachment/detachment of glial end-feet; (2) only direct vascular damage (photodisruption or cryogenic) resulted in prompt extravasation; (3) even direct damage failed to provoke a prompt astroglial response. In conclusion, the results indicate that a detachment of the astrocytic end-feet does not precede the breakdown of blood-brain barrier following lesions. Whereas vasogenic edema develops immediately after the lesions, this is not the case with cytotoxic edemas. Time-lapse recordings and three-dimensional reconstructions are presented as supplemental materials.


National Research, Development and Innovation Office


SAGE Publications



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