1. 1. Sharland S.M. , Tasker P.W. and Tweed C.J. , 'The Coupling of Chemical and Transport Processes in Near-Field Modelling', presented at the Symposium for the Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management at the MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, 1–4th December 1986.
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3. 7. Holmes D.C. ‘Values of Groundwater Flux, Velocity and Travel Time of Low Permeability Rocks in Typical Hydrogeological Environments in the United Kingdom’, British Geological Survey, Unpublished Report 1985
4. 3. Sharland S.M. , Tasker P.W. and Tweed C.J. , 'The Evolution of Eh in the Pore Water of a Model Nuclear Waste Repository', AERE Report, AERE-R 12442 (1987)
5. 5. Gilling D , Jefferies N.L , Lineham T.R . 'An Experimental Study of Solute Transport in Mudstones', AERE Report, AERE-R 12809 (1987)