Plasma and DLC Film Characteristics from Pulsed Laser Ablation Of Single Crystal Graphite and Amorphous Carbon: A Comparative Study Employing Electrostatic Probe Measurements


Mayo R. M.,Newman J. W.,Sharma A.,Yamagata Y.,Narayan J.


AbstractIn an ongoing effort to investigate plasma plume features yielding high quality DLC films, we have applied plasma plume diagnosis and film characterization to examine plume character distinction from KrF laser ablation of both amorphous carbon (a-C) and single crystal graphite (SCG) targets- The advancing plasma plume produced by these structurally different targets are observed to possess quantitatively similar total heavy particle inventory, ionized fraction, and electron thermal content, yet quite different ion kinetic energy, plume profile, C2 formation mechanism, and concentration of complex molecules. All data support the conclusion that the SCG target plasma plume is populated with heavier, more complex molecules than those in a-C which have been shown to be predominantly comprised of C and C+ under vacuum conditions with the addition of C2 at high fill pressure. Significantly smaller plume profile peaking factor, less energetic and slightly lower temperature plume conditions, laser energy (E1) dependent plume peaking, harder films produced at lower El strongly heterogeneous films, and lesser plume energy attenuation in high pressure background fill in SCG target plumes all support the conclusion of more massive plume species in SCG target plumes. Energy balance estimates indicate that ion kinetic energy dominates and that SCG target ablation liberates about twice the number of 12C atoms per unit El.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


General Engineering

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