1. Parametric study of LWR spent fuel dissolution kinetics
2. 15. Grambow B. , Loida A. , Dressier R. , Friese K. , Geckeis H. , Muller N. , Schweigel B. , Reger R. , Diaz Arocas P. , Gago J. , Casas I. , de Pablo J. , Gimenez J. and Torrero M.E. , in KFK Annual Report 1993, Contract No. F12W–CT90–0055: Chemistry of the Reation of Fabricated and High Burnup UO2 Fuel in Saline Brines (1993).
3. The kinetics of dissolution of UO2 under reducing conditions and the influence of an oxidized surface layer (UO2+x): Application of a continuous flow-through reactor
4. 1. SKB Technical Report 92–02, Final Disposal of Spent Fuel. Importance of Bedrock for Safety (1992).