Djega-Mariadassou C.,Bessais L.
ABSTRACTSmxFe100−x samples with x = 7.6, 10.5 and 12.5 were prepared by high energy ball-milling and subsequent annealing at various temperature Ta, 600 < Ta < 1200 °C. Rietveld analysis coupled to Curie temperature measurements and M6ssbauer spectroscopy revealed for 600 < Ta < 900 °C an hexagonal phase P6/mmm derived from TbCu7 with stoichiometry SmFe9. At Ta > 900 °C, the ordered R3m Sm2Fe17 structure is obtained so that SmFe9 appears as the out-of-equilibrium precursor of Sm2Fe17. The Curie temperature and hyperfine field augmentation found for SmFe9 results from an increase of the interatomic distance in the Fe-Fe dumbbell, responsible for a reduction of the negative exchange interaction.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC