AbstractThe amorphization of silicon carbide due to ion and electron irradiation is reviewed with emphasis on the temperature dependent critical dose for amorphization. The effect of ion mass and energy on the threshold dose for amorphization is summarized showing only a weak dependence near room temperature. Results are presented for 0.56 MeV silicon ions implanted into single crystal 6H-SiC as a function of temperature and ion dose. From this, the critical dose for amorphization is found as a function of temperature at depths well separated from the implanted ion region. Results are compared with published data generated using electron and xenon irradiating species. High resolution TEM analysis is presented for the Si ion series showing the evolution of elongated amorphous islands oriented such that their major axis is parallel to the free surface. This suggests that surface or strain effects may be influencing the apparent amorphization threshold. Finally, a model for the temperature threshold for amorphization is described using the Si ion irradiation flux and the fitted interstitial migration energy which was found to be ∼0.56 eV. This model successfully explains the difference in the temperature-dependent amorphization behavior of SiC irradiated with 0.56 MeV silicon ions at 1×10-3 dpa/s and with fission neutrons irradiated at 1×10-6 dpa/s irradiated to 1 5 dpa in the temperature range of ∼340 ±10K.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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17 articles.