Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Alloys Prepared by CVD of Higher Silanes


Akhtar Masud,Weaklie Herbert A.


ABSTRACTHydrogenated amorphous silicon may be deposited at relatively low temperatures, where the density of defects may be expected to be low, by the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of higher silanes. This method is an attractive alternative to plasma deposition techniques. We describe here the preparation of a-Si:H and related alloys incorporating carbon, germanium, and fluorine. a-Si:H films were deposited on heated substrates in the range 365°C-445°C by CVD of Si2H6 and Si3H8. The optical gap (Eg) ranged from 1.4 to 1.7 eV and the properties of films deposited from either Si2 H6 or Si3 H8 were quite similar. Wide band gap (Eg=2 eV) alloys of a-SiC:H doped with boron were prepared by CVD of disilane, methyl silane, and diborane. We also prepared variable band gap a-SiC:H alloys by substituting F2C= CFH for methylsilane, and these films were found to have approximately 1–2% fluorine incorporated. The dark conductivity of the boron doped a-SiC:H alloys dep~sited from either carbon source ranged from ix10-7 to 6x10-7 (ohm-cm)-1. We also prepared low band aap alloys of Si and Ge by CVD of trisilane and germane. The band gap of a film containing 20% Ge was 1.5 eV; however, the photoconductivity of the film was relatively low.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


General Engineering

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