1. 13. X-ray diffraction was performed using either a Siemens d500 or Rigaku theta-theta diffractometer at General Electric. Elemental Analyses were provided by Multichem and Galbraith Analytical Laboratories. TEM and SAD analyses were carried out on a JE0L-100-X microscope. NMR studies were performed on a Varian XL-200 spectrometer.
2. 10. Czekaj C.L. , Hackney M.L.J. , Interrante L.V. , Sigel G.A. , Slack G.A. , and Schields P.J. , submitted to J. Amer. Cer. Soc, 1988.
3. The Si3Al4N4C3 and Si3Al5N5C3 compounds as SiC-AIN solid solutions