1. High-temperature single-crystal study of the cristobalite inversion *
2. 1. Bish D. L. , Vaniman D. T. , Byers F. M. Jr. , and Broxton D. E. , Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA-9321-MS (November 1982).
3. 3. Caporuscio F. , Vaniman D. , Bish D. , Broxton D. , Arney B. , Heiken G. , Byers F. , Gooley R. , and Semarge R. , Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA-9255-MS (July 1982).
4. 4. Daniels W. , Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA-9328-MS (December 1982).
5. 5. Heiken G. H. and Bevier M. L. , Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA-7563-MS (February 1979).