1. The LMTO Method
2. Solution of the Schrödinger Equation in Periodic Lattices with an Application to Metallic Lithium
3. 22. When defining the MTO for K2>0 we could have added any constant times the Bessel function, i.e. ijim(k,r), to the partial wave. This would have made no difference for a crystal because a Bloch sum of Bessel functions Dr ΔT exp(ik.T)δ(K,r-R-T) vanishes everywhere, except when k is on the free-electron Fermi surface with energy ic 2 in which case the function diverges everywhere. In the formalism, n would then be substituted by n+ij, and cotn by cotn+i. In the addition theorem (2.7) (and (6.2)) the substitution of n by n+ij would according to what was said above, modify the structure constants to BR,m,Rim (k,k)-iσR,Rσ,π, m and the KKR equations (2.8) would thus be unchanged.
4. Crystal Potential Parameters from Fermi-Surface Dimensions