1. M.F. Mecklenburg, L. Fuster-Lopez, L. and S. Ottolini, in Adhesives and Consolidants in Painting Conservation, edited by A. Barros D’Sa, L. Bone, R. Clarricoates, and A. Gent, (Archetype Publications, London, 2012), pp. 7–23.
2. American Institute for Conservation (AIC): Code of Ethics and Guidelines for Practice (2016). Available at: http://www.conservation-us.org/our-organizations/association-(aic)/governance/code-of-ethics-and-guidelines-for-practice#.WGVYsGorLIU (accessed 29 December 2016).
3. R. Ploeger, C.W. McGlinchey, E.R. de la Rie, Stud. Conserv. 60 (4), 217–226 (2015).
4. G. A. Berger and W.H. Russell, Conservation of Paintings: Research and Innovations. (Archetype Publications, London, 2000), pp. 1–5.
5. G.A. Berger, Bulletin of the American Group - International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works. 11 (2), 124–128 (1971).