1. O.O. Adetunji and M.Thompson (2016). The Broader Impacts Conceptual Framework (BICF) 2014 Lexicon Modification for the Engaged Scholarship and Broader Impacts Joint Committee Year End Report of 2015–2016. Brown University Volume I. 2016.
2. National Science Foundation (2014). Perspectives on BroaderImpacts. Available at: https://www.nsf.gov/od/oia/publications/Broader_Impacts.pdf (accessed 25 October 2016).
3. O.O. Adetunji and R. Levine (2016). Toward a New Model of Science Learning, Teaching, and Communication. MRS Advances, doi:10.1557/adv.2016.105.
4. O.O. Adetunji, (2015). UMRI Alumni: From Characterization of High Temperature Solution Growth Cr 2+: CdSe to Developing Videos to Enhance Metacognition and Diversity in Materials Science and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). In MRS Proceedings (Vol. 1762, pp. mrsf14-1762). Cambridge University Press. http://dx.doi.org/10.1557/opl.2015.188
5. O. O. Adetunji, G. Scowcroft, K. Coakly, J. Dawe, C. Dugan, J. Fields, S. Kobilka, M. Koroly, H. Menninger, S. Renoe, J. Ristvey, K. Spohr, S. Sundararajan, M. Thompson, and T. Youngblood, Broader Impacts Guiding Principles and Questions for National Science Foundation Proposals. Available at: http://broaderimpacts.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/nabi_guiding_principles.pdf (accessed 25 October, 2016).