1. 2. Mecklenburg M.F. , "Some Aspects of the Mechanical Behavior of Fabric Supported Paintings", Report to the Smithsonian Institution, (1982), 12-15.
2. M.F. Mecklenburg, "The Effects of Atmospheric Moisture on the Mechanical Properties of Collagen Under Equilibrium Conditions", AIC Preprints of papers presentedat the 16th Annual Meeting, (1988), 231-244
3. M.F. Mecklenburg, "Applied Mechanics of Materials in Conservation Research",Materials Issues in Art and Archaeology II, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol 185, P.B. Vandiver, J. Druzik,and G.S. Wheeler, Eds., (1991), 105-124
4. G. Hedley, "Relative Humidity and the Stress/Strain Response of Canvas Paintings: 358Uniaxial Measurements of Naturally Ages Samples", Studies InConservation, Vol. 33, No. 3, (1988), 133-148