Ishikura Tomotsugu,Hiraki Takahiro,Matsuda Takashi,Lee Joungeob,Yoh Kanji
AbstractWe have investigated an InAs channel Hall-bar structure with ferromagnetic spin injector in one of the current terminals. After magnetizing the Fe electrode, spin polarized electrons are injected through the edge of the isolation mesa structure and the anomalous Hall voltage is observed, when electrons are injected from the ferromagnetic terminal. However, when electrons are injected from the non-magnetic metal (Ti/Au) of opposite terminal, the Hall voltage disappeared to the variation error level due to the fabrication imperfections. This result suggests the possibility that out-of-plane spin injection from the channel edge lead to perpendicular nuclear magnetic field. It is presumably caused by nuclear spin polarization in InAs channel near the spin source edge through Overhauser effect. The estimated internal magnetic field was 2000 Gauss.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC