Study of Th4(PO4)4 P2O7 and Solid Solutions With U(IV), Np(IV) and Pu(IV): Synthesis, Characterization, Sintering and Leaching Tests


Dacheux N.,Thomas A. C.,Chassigneux B.,PichotI E.,Brandel V.,Genet M.


AbstractIn the framework of radwaste storage, the thorium phosphate-diphosphate Th4(PO 4)4P 2O7 (TPD) has been synthesized in the ThO2 – P2O5 system. This material is very resistant to aqueous corrosion. In this paper we report the conditions of synthesis of TPD doped with small amounts of trivalent actinides and of solid solutions with uranium (IV), neptunium (IV) and plutonium (IV). Sintered samples of TPD and Th4_xUx(PO4)4P2O7 (TUPD) have been prepared after pressing at 100-800 MPa at room temperature then heating at 1250°C for 10 hours. The corresponding density varies from 87 to 93% of the calculated value from crystal data. Leaching tests of Th4 (PO4)4P2O7 doped with Am3+ or Cm3+ and solid solutions Th4_xUx(PO4)4P2O7 (TUPD) or Th4-xPux(PO4)4P2O7 (TPPD) have been performed in water and in several acidic media at room temperature and at 90'C. The dependence of the leaching rate on the pH has been determined: the partial order related to [H3O+] is in the 0.35 – 0.44 range while the apparent leaching rate is equal to about 1 x 10–5x–4 x 10–5 g/(m2d).


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


General Engineering

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