1. Trap-controlled dispersive transport and exponential band tails in amorphous silicon
2. 30This expression in square brackets differs slightly from eq. (4) of ref. [8] because that reference implicitly assumed that the product NVbT is temperature-independent. This assumption requires that the temperature-dependence of bT compensates that of NV, which seems arbitrary. The fittings to drift-mobilities are not substantially affected; this can be seen in Fig. 6, where the fitting Zhu03 seems satisfactory with the original parameters.
3. 29Most experimental papers cited here calculate the drift-mobility assuming that the mean displacement L at the transit-time is half the sample thickness d (L = d/2) [9]. Some experimenters use the older expression L = d (cf. [18]), which yields mobilities that are twice as large.
4. Hydrogen dilution profiling for hydrogenated microcrystallinesilicon solar cells