1. Evaluation of applicability of epoxy resins to conservation of stone historic monuments
2. 7.STAC products are available from Bresciani S.r.I., via Padre Semeria 8, 20128 Milan, Italy
3. 5. Gauri K. L. , The International Symposium on the Deterioration and Protection of Stone Monuments, Paris (1978) 7.5
4. 3. Cavalleti R. , Lazzarini L. , Marchesini L. and Marinelli G. , Fifth International Congress on the Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Lausanne (1985) 769-777
5. 1. Selwitz C.M. in Materials Issues in Art and Archaeology II. Edited by Vandiver P.B. , Druzik J. and G.S. Wheeler (Mater. Res. Sc. Proc. 185, Pittsburgh, PA 1990) 181-191