1. 6. Fanning T.H. ; Ebert W.L. ; Frank S.M. ; Hash M.C. ; Morris E.E. ; Morss L.R. ; O'Holleran T.P. ; and Wigeland R.A. “Status of Ceramic Waste Form Degradation and Radionuclide Release Modeling,” Argonne National Laboratory report ANL-03/8. Argonne, Illinois: Argonne National Laboratory.
2. 5. Morss L.R. ; Johnson S.G. ; Ebert W.L. ; DiSanto T. ; Frank S.M. ; Holly J.L. ; Kropf A.J. ; Mertz C.J. ; Noy M. ; O'Holleran T.P. ; Richmann M.K. ; Sinkler W. ; Tsai Y. ; and Warren A.R. , “Corrosion Tests with Uranium- and Plutonium-Loaded Ceramic Waste Forms,” Argonne National Laboratory report ANL-02/09. Argonne, Illinois: Argonne National Laboratory.
3. 2.Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management, “Defense HLW Glass Degradation Model,” Bechtel SAIC Company report ANL-EBS-MD-000016 Rev 01 ICN 01 (February 2004).
4. 3.Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management, “Radionuclide Inventory Model,” Bechtel SAIC Company report ANL-WIS-MD-000020 Rev 00 (November 2003).
5. Tests with ceramic waste form materials made by pressureless consolidation.