Epidemiological Trends in the Incidence of Gastritis and Duodenitis among Children in Moscow


Ivanova Viktoriya1ORCID,Podchernina Anastasiya1ORCID


1. Research Institute for Healthcare Organization and Medical Management of Moscow Healthcare Department


Introduction. The article analyzes the incidence of gastritis and duodenitis among children based on the data provided by medical organizations subordinate to the Moscow Healthcare Department. The disease incidence is presented by age groups. Materials and methods. The data was obtained from the Federal Statistical Observation Form No. 12 “Information on the number of diseases registered in patients living in the service area of a medical organization”, Form of Federal Statistical Monitoring No. 30 “Information about a medical organization” for the period from 2019 to 2023, as well as data on child population in Moscow published on the official website of the Federal State Statistics Service. Results and conclusions. The analysis of the incidence of gastritis and duodenitis in the observed period showed that the most vulnerable age groups are children aged 10-14 years and adolescents (39.9% and 37.0% out of the total number over the past five years, respectively). Among all age groups, there is a negative dynamic in the overall and primary incidence of gastroduodenitis. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that there is a moderate incidence of gastritis and duodenitis among the child population in Moscow. Special attention should be paid to preventive measures and health-improving programs in order to reduce the incidence rate and ensure the health of the rising generation.


Research Institute for Healthcare Organization and Medical Management

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