Medical and Social Characteristics of Living Conditions, Lifestyle, and Motivation to Become a Doctor among Students and Residents of Medical University


Derbenev Dimitry P.1ORCID,Sergeeva Elena N.2ORCID


1. Research Institute for Healthcare Organization and Medical Management of Moscow Health Department

2. Clinic of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia


Background. The Russian national project “Healthcare” is aimed at providing the healthcare system with qualified doctors. Higher education institutions have a leading role in accomplishing such crucial state mission. The training of future doctors by medical universities is complicated by numerous medical and social issues associated with objective living conditions and subjective lifestyle as well as with a low motivation to become a doctor among students and residents. Purpose. To conduct a medical and social analysis of living conditions, lifestyle, and motivation to become a doctor among students and residents of medical university. Materials and methods. The research was based on the data of a medical and sociological analysis carried out from 2020 to 2023. The authors used sociological, psychological, and statistical techniques that are relevant to the study purpose and enable to assess living conditions, lifestyle, and motivation to become a doctor. The study subject was a representative sample (p<0.05) of 1007 students and residents at a medical university. Results. The living conditions of students and residents are considered as ambiguous, but generally favorable for achieving specialized learning and career-related outcomes at medical university. The lifestyle of students and residents is characterized by unhealthy tendencies (lack of physical activity, presence of some forms of self-destructive behavior, etc.), which in addition complicate the professional training. The motivation to become a doctor is affected more by the families of students and residents and less by the objective living conditions and subjective perceptions of lifestyle. The motivation has a positive modality, pronounced intensity, and pragmatic orientation. Conclusions. The professionalism of future doctors is usually developed depending on their motivation and in the context of their current living conditions at medical university. The shaping processes could be optimized by using suitable approaches to educational work and social support for students and residents.


Research Institute for Healthcare Organization and Medical Management

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