The possibilities of using foreign experience in the support of polymorbid patients in Russian Healthcare


Medvedeva Yelena I.1ORCID,Kroshilin Sergey V.2ORCID


1. Institute of Social and Economic Problems of Population of the Federal Research and Sociological Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

2. Ryazan State Medical University named Academician I.P. Pavlov


The relevance of the study is related to the positive trend of polymorbidity, which has shown positive dynamics over the past decades and continues to grow. Polymorbidity reduces the quality of life of patients, increases the risk of functional limitations and complicates effective treatment. In some subgroups of polymorbid patients, high rates of re-hospitalization and provision of expensive medical services are observed. It should be noted that the organization of support and improvement of the effective provision of outpatient care to patients with two or more chronic diseases makes it possible to achieve positive results in treatment. In some foreign countries, there is a positive experience in providing a whole range of medical services to polymorbid patients, as well as an integrated approach to the organization of effective medical support. Such an experience with the condition of Russian adaptation can be implemented in our country. The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of the application of various approaches to the organization of maintenance of polymorbid patients on the example of several countries. Based on the analysis of the activities of various centers and organizations that are engaged in the support of polymorbid patients, author's proposals for the possible organization of a Center for medical and social assistance to these patients are made. When forming the functional structure of the Center, clear coordination between various health services, social protection organizations and rehabilitation of patients with two or more chronic diseases is necessary. More attention in Russia should be paid to the development of health promotion and disease prevention programs. The proposed measures will allow to obtain a positive synergetic effect and fulfill strategic objectives: to increase life expectancy, reduce mortality, increase the active working life of the population. For citation: Medvedeva, EI, Kroshilin, SV. The possibilities of using foreign experience in the support of polymorbid patients in Russian Healthcare. City Healthсare. 2022;3(4): 54–65 doi:10.47619/;54–65


Research Institute for Healthcare Organization and Medical Management


General Medicine

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