Influence of Polyfunctional Additive on Hardening Process and Properties of Cement Concrete


Gurinenko N. S.1,Batyanovskiy E. I.1


1. Belarusian National Technical University


The paper presents results of research aimed at developing a new semi-functional concrete additive that provides an increase in rate and level of its strength growth while reducing energy costs to accelerate hardening process, as a basis for reducing energy intensity in manufacturing of concrete and reinforced concrete products and structures. Experimentally a rational ratio of components for a polyfunctional additive has been found of mass cement: a superplasticizer based on polycarboxylate resins (for example, “Stachement 2000” or “Relamiks PC”) – 0.5 %, ultradispersed microsilica (SiO2) – 1.0 %, sodium sulfate (Na2SO4), hardening accelerator – 0.5 %, aluminum sulfate (Al2(SO4)3), sealing additive structure ‒ 0.25 %. The mentioned components ensure the largest increase in strength of cement stone and structural heavy concrete. Results of derivatographic and X-ray phase analyses have shown that strength growth is based on formation of a fine-crystalline form of low-base crystalline silicates of CSH-silicate group, which complements traditionally formed C2SH by the reaction of threeand two-calcium silicate cement with water, as well as it is based on an increase in the number of neoplasms due to the reaction of Ca(OH)2 with amorphous SiO2 and ettringite 3CaO × Al2O3 × 3CaSO4 × 32H2O, being formed due to reactions with cement aluminates these are accelerating-compacting additive components, that in total provides an increase in density and strength of cement stone. While having the case with concrete, the effect is complemented by hardening the zone of contact between aggregate surface and cement stone due to the reaction between Ca(OH)2 and SiO2. These effects have been confirmed by growth (up to 38 %) of water which is chemically bound with cement in presence of a multifunctional additive in samples of cement stone, which is characterized by the largest strength. While using standardized testing methods, effectiveness of a multifunctional additive has been experimentally confirmed and it has been expressed in growth of quality characteristics and properties of structural heavy concrete: compressive strength – up to 40–60 %, flexural strength – up to 15 %, reduction of shrinkage – up to 50 % and water absorption – by 1.5–2 times, increase in frost resistance from brand F250 to F500, water resistance – from W6–W8 to W20.


Belarusian National Technical University

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