Comparative Evaluation of Results on Test of Concrete Beams with Fiberglass Rebar and Calculated Data


Begunova N. V.1,Grahov V. P.1,Vozmishchev V. N.2,Kislyakova I. G.1


1. Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University

2. “KomAR” LLC


The paper presents results of the study for samples of concrete beams reinforced with fiberglass rebar produced by LLC “KomAR”. The aim of the study is to determine strength, stiffness and crack resistance of beams with fiberglass rebar, various reinforcement schemes and their comparison with calculated data. Tests have been carried out in accordance with the regulatory requirements for a design scheme with two points of load application P1 = P2. The adopted scheme of pure bending is used in the laboratory for informativeness of the obtained results and getting maximum efforts in a stretched zone of bent elements. A comparison has been made of the data obtained as a result of tests with the ones which have been calculated according to the document SP (Construction Rules) 295.1325800.2017 “Concrete structures reinforced with polymer composite reinforcement. Design rules”, this document is based on the design principle of concrete structures reinforced with metal reinforcement. Due to the fact that composite fittings significantly differ from metal fittings in a number of indicators, comparative tests of concrete beams reinforced with metal and composite fittings have been carried out earlier. Data of the investigations are necessary for understanding behavior of structures and possibility of their application in the objects of capital construction. An excess of inclined section strength on the action of transverse forces over an actual one has been revealed when calculating concrete beams according to the I group of limiting states. While making calculations for the II group of limiting states, the need has been revealed to make changes in the procedure for calculating width of crack opening in order to approximate the calculated data to the data obtained as a result of tests and a procedure for calculating deflections.


Belarusian National Technical University

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