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2. Devoyno O. G., Okovity V. V. (2015) Plasma Thermal Barrier Coatings Based on Zirconium Dioxide with High Thermal Stability. Nauka i Tekhnika = Science and Technique, (1), 35–39 (in Russian).
3. Panteleenko F. I., Okovity V. A., Devoino O. G., Astashinsky V. M., Okovity V. V., Sobolewski S. ?. (2015) Development of Technology for Application of Plasma Composite Coatings Based on Zirconium Dioxide for Spacecraft Systems. Nauka i Tekhnika = Science and Technique, (3), 5–9 (in Russian).
4. Okovity V. V. (2015) Selection of Oxides for Stabilization of Zirconium Dioxide while Obtaining Thermal Barrier Coatings. Nauka i Tekhnika = Science and Technique, (5), 26–32 (in Russian).
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