1. National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus. Available at: https://www.belstat.gov.by/ (Аccessed 1 October 2021) (in Russian).
2. In 2019 the Surface Public Transport of the Capital Carried 24 Million More Passengers Than in 2018. Available at: https://minsknews.by/v-2019-g-nazemnym-obshhestvennym-transportom-stoliczy-perevezeno-na-34-mln-passazhirov-bolshe-chem-v-2018-m/ (Аccessed 1 October 2021) (in Russian).
3. Minsk Metro, Official Website of the Minsk Metro. Available at: https://metropoliten.by/ (Аccessed 1 October 2021) (in Russian).
4. Kapskiy D. V. (2013) The Role of Traffic Management in the Transport of the City. Transport i Servis: Sb. Nauch. Tr. Vyp. 2: Funktsionirovanie Ustoichivykh Transportnykh Gorodskikh Sistem [Transport and Service: Collection of Scientific Papers. Iss. 2: Operation of Sustainable Urban Transport System]. Kaliningrad, 47–51 (in Russian).
5. On Amendments and Additions to the Rules for Carriage of Passengers by Road: Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus Dated 31.08.2018 No 636. National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus. Available at: https://pravo.by/document/?guid=12551&p0=C21800636&p1=1 (Аccessed 15 July 2021) (in Russian).