Study of Energy Characteristics of Multicomponent Solid Fuel Using Substandard Municipal and Industrial Waste Fuels


Pekhota A. N.1


1. Belarusian State University of Transport


The main directions of the concept of national strategies for sustainable development are considered, taking into account the problems of energy and resource saving, as well as the need for the rational use of natural and secondary resources in many countries of the world community in order to transition to a “green” economy. An assessment of the energy potential of combustible waste that has not found technological application is given as one of the priority areas in the field of nontraditional energy. The paper presents aspects of research into obtaining and production of multicomponent solid fuels. A technology is described for briquetting wet mixtures with the addition of various binders, including various combustible wastes, in order to obtain solid fuel. The features of the fuel frame formation are given, taking into account the factors affecting the performance of the briquetting plant, as well as achieving the optimal density of the briquette. A qualitative assessment was made with respect to various ratios of the components of briquetted fuel, at which the best production and consumer indicators are achieved. The features of the preparation of materials and the technological equipment used as part of the preparation and briquetting line are considered. The practical aspects of the production, drying, use of briquetted solid fuels are outlined in the paper. The paper presents studies of the energy and physico-chemical characteristics of multicomponent fuel compositions using various research laboratory equipment and methods. The proposed algorithm for solving the problem makes it possible to rationally use substandard combustible production waste to obtain multicomponent solid fuel, while energy and environmental aspects are taken into consideration at the production stage.


Belarusian National Technical University

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