Contact Problem for the End of Elastic Half-Strip


Bosakov S. V.1


1. Belarusian National Technical University


The paper considers contact problems for a stamp located at the end of an elastic half-strip without friction under the action of a concentrated force. A practical analogue of this problem is the support zone of a beam or truss on the head of a rectangular column, since the supporting parts of beams or columns have high bending rigidity. The calculation is performed in two stages. At the first stage, the variational-difference method solves the problem of the action of an arbitrarily applied concentrated force on the end of an elastic half-strip. The solution of this problem makes it possible to compose a square matrix of vertical displacements of the points of the end of the half-strip from the action of a single force. At the second stage, the Zhemochkin method solves the contact problem for a stamp arbitrarily located at the end of the elastic half-strip. The coefficients of the canonical equations of the forces method in the Zhemochkin method are based on the previously obtained matrix of vertical displacements of the end points of the elastic half-strip. Three problems for stamps located at the end of an elastic half-strip are considered in the paper. Graphs of the distribution of contact stresses, a plot of bending moments are given and the position of the force causing the translational movement of the stamp located on the edge of the half-strip is determined. The similarity of the obtained is noted with the results for a stamp located on an elastic half-plane.


Belarusian National Technical University


General Medicine

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