1. Beijing Matrix Mobility Technology Co. Ltd
With the large-scale application of electric vehicles (EV) in the world and also in China, the contradiction between the EV and charging stations has become more and more prominent. People always cannot easily find the charging stations or when they find them finally found they do not work. To connect the vehicle, charging station/pile and end-users for making the charging simple, convenient, efficient and visible is becoming very important. People need a platform to tell them where, when and how to charge for their EV. Matrix Mobility is focusing on realizing this comprehensive charging solution together with OEM, charging point operator (CPO), electric power company and parking lots by using big data analysis. Matrix Mobility installs the charging solution into the car unit before cars go off production line and meanwhile integrates the same function into OEM’s own APP with opening API to help end-users increase their charging experience.
Belarusian National Technical University
Reference19 articles.
1. Ying Wang, William Cheng (2018) Introduction of Beijing Matrix Mobility Comprehensive Charging Solution. Beijing, Matrix Mobility.
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5. Massachusetts Division Energy Resources, MA (Sep. 2000) Installation Guide for Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment.