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3. Lazarenkov A. M., Horeva S.A. Klassifikacija rabochih mest litejnogo proizvodstva po uslovijam truda [Classification of foundry workplaces by working conditions]. Lit’e i metallurgija = Foundry production and metallurgy, 2009, no. 3 (52), pp. 92–98.
4. Lazarenkov A.M., Sadokha M.A. Issledovanie shumovogo faktora uslovij truda v litejnom proizvodstve [Study of the noise factor of working conditions in foundries]. Lit’e i metallurgija = Foundry production and metallurgy, 2022, no. 2, pp. 130–136.
5. Lazarenkov A.M., Sadokha M.A. Issledovanie vibrobezopasnosti truda v litejnom proizvodstve [Study of vibration safety in foundry production]. Litejnoe proizvodstvo = Foundry production, 2022, no. 5, pp. 30–35.