1. Lazarenkov A. M., Horeva S. A. Analiz proizvodstvennyh faktorov litejnyh tsehov [Analysis of production factors at foundry shops]. Trudy 24-j Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-tehnicheskoy konferentsii «Liteynoe proizvodstvo i metallurgiya 2016. Belarus’». Minsk, 19–21 oktjabrya 2016 = Proceedings of the 24th International Science and Technical Conference «Foundry production and metallurgy 2016. Belarus». Minsk, October 19–21, 2016, pp. 117–120.
2. Lazarenkov A. M., Horeva S. A. Ocenka vliyaniya usloviy truda v liteynyh tsehah na obshhuyu zabolevaemost’ rabotayushhih [Estimation of working conditions in foundry shop on the total morbidity of workers]. Lit’e i metallurgija Foundry production and metallurgy, 2011, no. 3 (62), pp. 196–198.
3. Lazarenkov A. M., Horeva S. A. Vliyanie zapylennosti rabochih mest na professional’nuyu zabolevaemost’ liteyshhikov [Influence of the dust content at workplaces on occupational diseases of foundrymen]. Trudy 23-j Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-tehnicheskoj konferencii «Litejnoe proizvodstvo i metallurgija 2015. Belarus’». Zhlobin, 21–22 oktjabrja 2015 = Proceedings of the 23th International Science and Technical Conference «Foundry production and metallurgy 2015. Belarus». Zhlobin, October 21–22, 2015, pp. 95–96.