The article discusses the approach to modeling of metamorphoses in the development of a number of species in the context of their influence on the success of long-term trends of population dynamics. Changes in survival during early ontogenesis, controlled by important factor – the rate of individual development in a competing group of individuals, can cause unexpected degradation of population with a small excess fishing impact. The theory of nonlinear efficiency of reproduction leads us to the hypothesis that two different nonlinear effects are controlled by similar mechanisms. For insects such fluctuations in survival during metamorphosis can start another process - the rapid outbreak of pests, where actual formalization of the impact of parasites on the first stage of development, depending on the initial concentration of clutches, but limited resources is taken into account at a finishing. The method has been for submission to decline of generations on the basis of dynamic overriding differential equations with discrete-continuous structure of time. To extend the previously proposed model for the formation of generations is formed computing structure for the account mortality depending on the level of competition, complete with trigger functional and a new scheme describing the changes the growth rate for the example of the Caspian Sea sturgeon in three ecological and physiological stages of development. The new model has a non-trivial possibilities parametrically modification of behavior regimes. The coexistence of alternative cycles is explained by the increase in adaptive interspecies differences.
Belarusian National Technical University
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