1. Homon S. S., Homon S. S., Savitskyi V. V., Chornomaz N. Yu. The method of determining the initial modulus of elasticity and the modulus of deformations of wood of different ages. Resource-saving materials, constructions, buildings and structures. Rivne, 2021. Issue 40. P. 121–128.
2. Homon S. S. Improvement of the strength and deformable properties of solid wood and composite materials based on it: dissertation. ... Dr. technical Sciences: 01.02.04. Ternopil: TNTU, 2021. 387 p.
3. Homon S. S., Homon P. S. Construction of valid diagrams of the mechanical state of wood «σ-u» of a continuous section of spruce and birch under a strict test regime. Resource-saving materials, constructions, buildings and structures. Rivne: NUVHP, 2020. Issue 38. P. 321–330.
4. Homon S., Homon P., Karavan V. Experimental studies of coniferous and deciduous wood species by a one-time short-term compressive load along the fibers under a rigid test regime. Bulletin of the Lviv National Agrarian University. Architecture and agricultural construction. 2020. No 21. P. 34–40.
5. Homon S. S., Dovbenko T. O., Matviiuk O. V., Vereshko O. V., Kulakovskyi L. Ya., Chornomaz N. Yu. Analysis of the testing equipment for materials research under a rigid mode of load application. Urban planning and territorial planning. Kyiv: KNUBA, 2021. Issue 78. P. 166–172.