Türkçe’de Kanıtsallığa Kullanıma Dayalı Yapı Gramer Yaklaşımı: Kanıtsallık Yapısı


GEDİK Tan Arda1


1. Friedrich Alexander Universitaet Erlangen Nürnberg


Coupled with corpora, usage-based construction grammar aims to provide cognitive plausibility for linguistic phenomena. In this vein, this paper combines construction grammar and usage-based approaches to analyze evidentiality in Turkish. While Turkish has been analyzed from a usage-based perspective, evidentiality has not been taken up in a usage-based constructionist approach. By using corpora, association measures, and construction as a notion and a framework, this paper defines the Unevidentiality Construction in a taxonomic space. First, it outlines its semantic properties and then it uses association measures such as faith, delta (∆) p, and ITECX to determine its usage pattern and statistical biases based on corpora. The paper demonstrates a superordinate and lower-level, item-specific instantiations of the construction. The results from association measures and the family of unevidentiality constructions can serve for future linguistic endeavors.


Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Cankaya University


General Medicine

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