Development of a smart geoinformation system module for forest taxing data processing


Vagizov Marsel1,Istomin Evgeny2,Kolbina Olga2,Yagotinсeva Natalya2,Morshchihina Anna1,Konzhgoladze Karina1


1. Forestry and Nature Management Institute of St. Petersburg State Forestry University named after S.М. Kirov

2. Russian State Hydrometeorological University


The authors of the article offer a specialized geoinformation system for use in forestry. A distinctive feature of the proposed system is the use of data processing module included in the GIS. Forestry requires to improve the quality of management and monitoring of forest resources, to enhance the perception of geoinformation in a user friendly form. One of the perspective technologies of geospatial information display is infograms displaying the evaluation of the territory under analysis. Such way of display requires a specialized interface, technologies of processing and data interpretation included in structure of the program, and specific characteristics of the system offered by the authors of this work.


Federal State Budgetary Institution - All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute

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