The use of INTEGRO GIS in the integrated geophysical study of the deep structure of oil and gas prospective regions (part 1)


Bolshakov Egor M.1ORCID,Biserkin Igor A.1ORCID,Kupriyanov Ivan S.1,Pimanova Nadezhda N.1,Sokolova Elena Yu.2ORCID,Spiridonov Viktor A.1ORCID,Finkelstein Mikhail Ya.1


1. All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute

2. All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute; Institute of the Earth Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Using the materials of integrated geophysical studies of the Yenisei-Khatanga trough as an example, the methodological outline and techniques for constructing deep physical-geological models (PGM) of large regions using the INTEGRO GIS complex are demonstrated. The presented graph is based on spatial analysis of potential field data, as well as analysis of seismic and geoelectric sections along the lines of integrated profiles of CDP-2D and MTS with the involvement of geological data, borehole data and materials on the physical properties of rock complexes. The results of the analysis are then used to construct the PGM according to the data of individual methods. The research focuses on the construction of a volumetric density model of the region that integrates all geological and geophysical information and is intended to serve as the background for the development/correction of structural-tectonic and evolutionary models of oil and gas bearing region for predictive purposes. The actual results of such constructions for the Yenisei-Khatanga trough region and their significance for oil and gas exploration are discussed.


Federal State Budgetary Institution - All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute


General Medicine

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